Monday, 27 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tony Blair - A Journey - Portrait and Caricature Combination
I wanted to complete a piece that would combine a caricature and a portrait. I used the idea of the book A Journey by Tony Blair to try and formulate my idea.
Firstly I painted the caricature version of Tony Blair which I posted earlier this week on it's own. I then painted an separate portrait of Mr. Blair using the cover of the book as reference and then combined the two and distorted the angle to give me the look I wanted to reflect the cover of the book. You can see the full portrait of Tony Blair here.
Detail from Tony Blair Portrait
It was a lot of work which I hope resulted in a good strong piece for my portfolio.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Tony Blair Caricature
Apparently reported as the best selling autobiography ever by book chain Waterstones Tony Blair seems to have created something of a stir with his recently published memoirs entitled 'A Journey' any likely he looks so happy.
Here's my painting of Tony Blair to commemorate this momentous feat, there is actually more to come involving this caricature (which is purely a self promotion piece) all will be revealed later in the week.
I'll resist any comments revolving my views on Mr Blair or politics ... now where in this book does he apologize for the Iraq War ?
Saturday, 11 September 2010
The finished portrait - Gemma
Completed portraits
Gemma aged 2
Gemma aged 10
Gemma aged 27
Above are the 3 individual completed portraits that I have painted of my step daughter Gemma from various stages in her life. This initially came as a request from my wife who wanted a picture to capture her daughters life as one image, not knowing how the compilation would work I decided to paint each portrait individually to start with the intention of playing around with the combined image later.
Above are the 3 individual completed portraits that I have painted of my step daughter Gemma from various stages in her life. This initially came as a request from my wife who wanted a picture to capture her daughters life as one image, not knowing how the compilation would work I decided to paint each portrait individually to start with the intention of playing around with the combined image later.